Posada Blog entry
I have a number of Orthodox Christian friends (some on the internet and some in real life) who often open my mind to new ideas that I have never heard before. One of these was calling Mary the Ark of the New Covenant. It certainly got me thinking.
I remember the grand song and dance when the First Ark was taken into Jersusalem by David. And that was merely a box that contained stone tablets and mannah.
Yet it was greeted by singing, dancing, trumpets and tambourines, because God made His presence felt through that box.
And now, here is Mary, making the journey to a village merely six miles away from Jerusalem, carrying the actual Son of God in her belly, and we are met by silence. No dancing, no tambourines, castanets, harps, lyres, rattles or cymbals. No singing, (unless armies of angels count). It's all very quiet, ordinary and subdued in comparison. If you had been lining that road waving a flag, you would have been alone, utterly alone.
And yet this is how the Son of God chose to travel. In a very ordinary way. To be deeply, deeply ordinary. And because of His deep ordinary-ness, the ordinary itself has been transformed, and a dirt track road to a deeply sleepy village becomes the highway to Heaven itself.
A prayer: Lord give us the insight, the X ray vision,
To gaze at the lives of the people around us
And truly see You rock the world
In a smile, in an action, in the belly of a mother,
In some deep insignificance
That makes all the difference.